Otter Love

At Malen-Dyer, we do what we can to uphold our values that include philanthropic efforts, local businesses and supporting green technology. Thus, we pride ourselves on giving back to those organizations closest to our hearts, such as giving 1 percent of our revenue to the Friends of the Sea Otter; supporting new endeavors, such as the Malen-Dyer Scholarship Fund; and continuing to support various environmental initiatives.

Friends of the Sea Otter (FSO) is an advocacy group dedicated to actively working with state and federal agencies to maintain, increase and braoden the current protections for the sea otter, a species currently protected by state and federal laws and on the Endangered Species list. We wish to inspire the public at large about the otters’ unique behavior and habitat. Currently FSO has more than 4,000 members world-wide and it is through membership contributions that FSO is one step closer to ensuring that otters throughout their range never face the threat of extinction again. Visit FSO

The Malen-Dyer Scholarship Fund, We at Malen-Dyer strongly value the importance of an education and understand not everyone has the means to attend a higher institution. Thus, we have started The Malen-Dyer Scholarship Fund for those interested in pursuing an education based around our own values that include supporting green technology; philanthropic efforts, including helping to preserve marine life and local businesses. Stay tuned for more details to come.

Green Technology, We at Malen-Dyer, part of our mission is to do our part in supporting green technology, which is why we went with a green web hosting company. Whether you believe in the need for green technology or not, is not for us to debate. Instead, we would rather do what we can today than regret not doing more later.


