Union Surfboards Opens in NYC

Photo: Union Surfboards/Instagram

Chris Williams and Jeffrey Schroeder are the founders of Union Surfboards and have just opened their first store in Brooklyn, NY.

Shop at AG Jeans!

The brand specializes in customizing surfboards.


Stocked up on blanks. Filling and taking orders. Place your orders now to get your custom stick in time for summer. Email jeff@unionsurfboards.com

A photo posted by UNION Surfboards. Brooklyn, NY (@unionsurfboards) on

Jeffrey spoke to Racked NY about the customization the brand does.

Personalization goes deeper than just paint color and graphics. The physical board can be a reflection of the person riding it. Empowering surfers at all levels with the chance to bring their ideas to life, in absence of the resources needed to make a surfboard—that’s what Union is all about.


In addition to this, the passion the duo has for surfing is evident.


How do you say early bird gets the worm? Many worms to get on North Shore this time a year. #poke #northshore #hawaii

A photo posted by UNION Surfboards. Brooklyn, NY (@unionsurfboards) on

Chris added that NYC may not seem like the first choice for a surf shop, but “with 8 million people there are markets and communities for just about everything.”

“We want Union to be a representation of that community, giving legitimacy to what seems ironic, supporting and showcasing this masked group of core New York surfers.”

And, we are happy they are here on the East Coast!


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