The fashion and modeling industries often get a bad wrap, especially in light of the #MeToo movement. These industries are ones that from the outside looking in seem quite frivolous where some may even go as far as to say exploit young women and men. Yet, for anyone – like us – who works in these industries or has been enamored with them, the perception is quite to the contrary.
There is something magical about bringing to life pieces of fabric and thread. There is something wonderful about seeing a model transform before your eyes – not necessarily physically but in confidence. There is something special about that moment, when you are finished, and you are able to transport the viewer to another land, time or place via the clothes, models and photographs.
When we were presented with the opportunity to speak with Jim Jordan, a fashion and modeling industry veteran, we jumped at the chance. We wanted to learn more about these industries from his point-of-view, and he did not disappoint.
Jordan wears many hats. He is the founder of the talent agency White Cross Management, an award-winning photographer who has been published around the world shooting for Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire and GQ to name a few and has worked with the biggest supermodels and A-List celebrities. Jordan is a successful talent scout who saw the potential in Taylor Hill, Gigi Hadid and Jeremy Meeks. Jim started his career as a hair and makeup artist where he also found global fame working with the likes of Elizabeth Taylor, Farrah Fawcett, Whitney Houston and Cindy Crawford, and the list goes on. Yet, it is Jordan’s current role, which doesn’t have an official title that we were most intrigued with when we spoke with him.
“I work to put winning teams around talent. I believe it takes a village to make a star.”
“What I do at [White Cross Management] is different. I care for the talent,” shared Jordan. “My heart is to help people and to help people see their greatness. I work with them and want to bring the best out in them. I work to put winning teams around talent. I believe it takes a village to make a star.”
Teamwork is something Jordan repeats time and time again. He is humble in knowing it is not a one-man show. It “takes a village” to foster and build a winning career and to make a superstar. He works to do this with White Cross Management and does not hold to the traditional rules of having a “mother agency” where often times the model gets stuck waiting for their next booking. He seems to encourage his team around the globe to work together to ensure a model is not forgotten about.
Speaking of not being forgotten, Jordan continued, “I love taking the girl who was bullied or [considered or felt like] the ugly duckling and transforming her. [I love] showing her she had that beauty all along and showing her true beauty and essence through my eyes and my camera’s lens.”
On paper, Jordan is a success after a success, photographing beautiful superstars in exotic locations. In fact, we were ready to discuss many of these notable accomplishments, but it was evident Jordan’s mission goes beyond the glossy pages of magazines and the end result.

“I want to give a voice to the down and out and the kids that don’t have a voice. I want these kids to have a voice,” commented Jordan. “When I work with these kids, I want to help them find out where their hearts are and what their purpose is.”
“I want to give a voice to the down and out and the kids that don’t have a voice.”
He believes we are all here for a reason, and it is no doubt he is here to help others.
In an industry that has a reputation for being superficial and cold, Jordan is definitely the light in the tunnel and the rule breaker not afraid to push industry norms. When he scouts models, they are often 14-17 years old. Straight away, he always asks them where their parents are. He even did this when he spotted model Taylor Hill in a barn in Granby, Colorado.

As for Jeremy Meeks, Jordan has fostered and launched his career internationally and has made him a household name. “Bad boy” and “hot felon” were terms used to describe him in the media. Yet, Jordan paints a different picture of him. When he discovered Meeks in jail, he wanted to show him how his mess could be his message, and how he could help young kids by sharing his story.
It seemed Meeks took Jordan up on his offer. Even now, often together, they volunteer their time at WOSMOH (Women of Substance Men of Honor) and visit with kids at group homes and juvenile halls.
Jordan is a remarkable individual, so it should come as no surprise that he is working on an autobiography. It will even touch on his time as a “young kid who went to hell and back”.
Without a doubt, Jordan draws on personal experiences to help empower the next generation. He is a one-of-a-kind individual, and we are humbled we had this opportunity to speak with him. And, if that was not enough, he loves the beach, surfing and Malibu. A man that knows the way to our heart!
Be sure to follow Jim on Instagram @jimjordanphotography and @whitecrossmanagement and visit his websites to stay up-to-date on all of his projects at and