For this installment of Otter Escape, we are heading to one of our favorite places.
No, it’s not the beach, but you are close.
It’s the sea!
The blue waters of the sea hold so much, from marine life to adventures.
RELATED: Ocean Exploration at NYC’s American Museum of Natural History
Let’s get this Otter Escape underway by heading to…
Are you more of a surfer or paddle boarder?
Is there an Otterlicious wave coming?
We don’t know about you, but all this wave riding has got us worn out!
RELATED: The Museo Subacuático de Arte
Time to take a moment to enjoy the sea from the beach, before we begin our next adventure…
Can you guess what we will want to do next?
Hint – it includes exploration…
And of course, the sea…
Snorkel time!
Maybe we should go scuba diving once we get done snorkeling?
Or, maybe we’ll just enjoy the tranquility of the sea from above…
RELATED: Jack O’Neill – The Man Behind Surf Brand O’Neill | Otter Escape – The Beach
However you enjoy the sea, we are certain it will be Otterlicious.
Into the blue we go…